Ben Lomond

On Saturday I decided to venture out and attempt my first Munro, Ben Lomond. Looking at the forecast on the lead up to Saturday and it was looking cold and potential gale force gusts, but come Saturday it was a smashing day and the sun was shining.

The walk up was long, tough at times (due to my lack of fitness), and hot due to the sunshine - also having dressed for the colder temperatures that had been forecast didn't help! In the end I made it up to the summit after 3 hours of huffing and puffing, and it was well worth the trek. I was also glad of the warmer clothes I'd chosen to wear as it felt like the -5 that had been forecast, hat and gloves also made an appearance!

While up there and not too far from the summit, I had a close fly by from a sightseeing plane and almost missed it as I fumbled to get my camera!

Also, as if the walk up didn't seem hard enough a guy had carried his bike up to the summit.

So after a short stay at the top to take in the views, take some snaps, and catch my breath it was time to make the journey back down. I had contemplated going down the alternative route but in the end I opted for going back the way I came and 2 hours 10 mins later with some aching muscles I was back at the car.

Here's some more from the trip, enjoy!

Trip to the Isle of Skye

I've finally gotten round to sorting the photos from last weekends trip to Skye. Skye has always been on my list of places I wanted to visit, and it's an experience to visit the island. I don't think I've ever been in a place that's felt as remote and cut off, you're lucky to get a mobile signal never mind any data signal . Was good for a change, although luckily there was some wifi in the hotel (satellite internet)!

The drive up to Skye is good in itself winding through the mountains of Glencoe and Fort William, although it was quite foggy in places. Whilst on Skye we visited the fairy pools which have to be the clearest water I've ever seen, and had to resist the temptation to jump in though as I think I may have ended up with hypothermia! The scenery on Skye itself is quite spectacular, and I could have happily spent all day driving / walking about and just admiring the place. I'll definitely be looking to go back, perhaps in the summer when it's a bit warmer and can jump in the water!

On the way back we stopped off at Eilean Donan Castle. Next to the village of Dornie, and not too far from the Skye bridge, the castle is built on a small island where Loch Duich, Loch Long and Loch Alsh and meet. The castle is apparently the most photographed castle in Scotland, might even have been Britain. Very picturesque castle!

If you ever get the chance to visit then I would highly recommend it... unless of course you aren't really in to the outdoors!

Argyll Western Hotel

Had a good day on Tuesday shooting each of the 17 rooms, all of which are decorated in a different tartan, in the newly opened Argyll Western Hotel in the west end of Glasgow just off Great Western Road. This is a family run hotel and they also operate another hotel in the west of the city, The Argyll Hotel.

So after 17 rooms, 5 hours of shooting, and the same again (if not slightly longer) sorting through the photos and editing them, they've finally been sent on to the hotel!